GreaterGood is the world’s largest social cause network. Over 100 million social influencers are connected to the GreaterGood network, with over 30 million of them visiting our sites monthly.
Through our nonprofit sister Greater Good Charities, GreaterGood has proudly funded over $50 million and counting in charitable donations.
Great Life Publishing is the lifestyle arm of the GreaterGood network. Anchored by our flagship food brand 12 Tomatoes, Great Life’s mission is to bring useful and highly engaging content to our audiences every day.

Greater Good Charities is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that works to improve the health and well-being of people, pets, and the planet. Over the last 11 years, Greater Good Charities has given over $175 million in cash and in-kind grants to over 5,000 charitable partners worldwide. Greater Good Charities also runs a suite of Signature Programs staffed by experts in their field, including: Rescue Rebuild, Rescue Bank, Girls’ Voices, and Madrean Discovery Expeditions. See Greater Good Charities’ financial filings.
Our Audience
78% female
82% 35+
45% $75K+
45% college-educated
82% U.S.

Massive Reach & Meaningful Engagement
30 million
unique users per month
280 million+
pageviews per month
100 million+
connections on social platforms and growing
Over 18 billion
monthly impressions on social media
11 million
email subscribers and growing
buyers and donators in 2015
18.3 million+
Click-to-Give donations per month
average petitions signed per month
150 million+
stories read per month
15 million+
social shares per month
Great Life Brands
Currently, Great Life’s audience is focused in the food, nostalgia, home/DIY, Christian faith, inspirational stories, humor, and pop culture categories. Our unique brands and websites include:
12 Tomatoes

With over 8 million fans on Facebook, 12 Tomatoes is one of the most active social food communities in the world. Read information for advertisers (PDF).
Grizzly Fare

For the bigger appetites and more adventurous cooks, Grizzly Fare aims to dominate hunger while reminding visitors that bigger is better.
Crafty House

Crafty House strives to curate and develop inspiring content that helps its users draw the most from their favorite place: home.
Dusty Old Thing

From tales about treasures found to reliving moments in our collective past, Dusty Old Thing aims to share with folks the items, stories, and memories we hold so dear. Our Dusty Old Mission: To keep memories alive!
The Good Old Days

A sister site to Dusty Old Thing, The Good Old Days focuses on transporting its visitors to the days of yesteryear, when things were simpler and everything seemed new.

Need a laugh? Need to be reminded about God’s promises? FaithHub has you covered with videos, daily devotionals and uplifting stories to remind you about the great wonder of this world we live in.
Humor & Pop Culture

From our massive millennial humor audience at Shut Up I’m Talking to our niche interest area audiences like Smoking Rubber and Movie Drawer, Great Life connects with millions of engaged social media users in a variety of interest categories.
Our Products
Social Reach

Immense reach to hundreds of millions of passionate influencers via billions of high-value impressions every month.
Content Sponsorship

Integrate your brand message into our compelling content. Ask about our high-impact native video and blog opportunities!
Premium Ads

Place your ads where it matters. High-impact, high-viewability, modern formats, IAB standard.
Pinpoint Targeting

Eliminate wasted impressions with exact demographic, psychographic and spendographic targeting.
Our Leaders
& Their Stories
Greg Hesterberg
(left) was chairman of two statewide consumer and environmental
organizations (MaryPIRG
and PIRGIM) while in college.
After 20 years running a successful publishing firm, Greg delights
in finding innovative ways to make the world a better place and
currently serves on the board of the
Petfinder Foundation.
Tim Kunin (right) travels extensively throughout the year to visit GreaterGood's charity partners and to make more fair-trade products available through GreaterGood’s stores. He is convinced that providing a market for products made by rural women artisans is the best method of reducing inter-generational poverty. Travels have taken Tim to Canada, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Sweden, England, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Mozambique, South Africa, Israel, India, and Afghanistan, among others.
Greg can be seen below receiving the 2015 Compassion in Action Award for GreaterGood from The Humane Society of the United States for their “extraordinary commitment to transformational change for animals.”
Rian Cool
joined the GreaterGood family in 2003 as a junior copywriter.
Since then he’s done everything from shooting product
photography and managing SEM campaigns to helping run the company
fulfillment center, where he prides himself on being a top-tier
order packer during the holiday rush. In 2016 Rian shifted his
career focus from being the Chief Marketing Officer for
GreaterGood to CEO and Co-Owner of Great Life Publishing.
He’s thrilled to focus on developing premium lifestyle
content with his talented and driven team.
“Our goal is to develop engaging and meaningful content for our audiences that will resonate with folks not only today, but 100 years from now. Of course it’s a huge bonus to be integrated with the GreaterGood network, where our work and visitor engagement also has a higher calling to improve the prospects of people, pets, and the planet!”
Liz Baker
started as Executive Director of Greater Good Charities and Vice
President of Business Development for in 2012,
helping to give out cash grants to protect people, pets, and the
planet. She has also overseen the creation of several
Greater Good Charities signature programs that address multiple issues
ranging from hunger, education, land conservation, and animal
welfare, to name a few. In her previous role as Executive Director
of the
Petfinder Foundation, Liz distributed over $20 million in cash and product grants to
adoption partners in the U.S.
Liz has also worked for as Vice President of Partner Relations, at Family Education Network as Vice President of Sales and Marketing, and at as Vice President of Operations building lasting partnerships and brand-building initiatives. She also volunteers and serves on several boards in Tucson, Arizona, where she lives with two “tween” girls, one pit bull, and two cats. From time to time, Coyotes jump her five-foot fence and spend the afternoon playing in the back yard with her dog, reminding her that we shouldn’t let barriers get in the way of our dreams.